The Problem with Speaking Truth

I was in the process of reading a truly heinous article justifying Jewish death and calling for more – one of the singularly most antisemitic pieces of writing I have ever read, the sort of thing that portrays “Israelis” as animals that perpetuate violence for the sake of it; how the point of the שמחת תורה war is actually just to “destroy Gaza” (because, implicitly, October 7th doesn't really matter and “Israelis” don't really care about preventing that sort of thing; just killing Palestinians, maybe even drinking their blood too!). I started going through the massive virtual library I've amassed of every possible counterpoint to every possible antisemitic canard (impressively, nearly every single one of which was crammed into a rather small article).

And then I realized my criticism of the article doesn't matter because its author will just walk up to me tomorrow and bash my head in on the street.

Well, maybe not bash my head in. Brain matter gets everywhere, and blood is rather difficult to wash out. He could curb-stomp me, limiting the cosmetic damage to the bottom of his shoe instead of the whole of his wardrobe. Although to be honest, he'd probably just shoot me instead, if we're being realistic. We do live in the United States, after all.

To the antisemite reading this: yes, all three of those things have happened, will happen, and are happening to Jews in the United States right now. It's funny how you simultaneously want to deny that you're murdering Jews in America while also celebrating Jewish death as a core part of your personality. It's almost like there's some part of you that recognizes that maybe killing Jews for being Jewish is just kind of wrong! But you'd never admit that to yourself. If you did, you wouldn't be trying to bash my head in on the street.

To the Jews and friends thereof reading this: the problem with speaking truth is that you cannot and will not win the argument. I'm not talking about the existence of cognitive biases that cause people to bend over backwards to try and convince you, the Jewish person, that actually a permanent ceasefire is a good thing that would definitely not kill you and your entire family.

I'm talking about the fact that you will tell someone the Jewish people have been around for 4,000 years in the Land of Israel and their response to that will be to shoot you pointblank with a Glock 19.

I'm talking about the fact that while you debate some neo-Nazi Kremlin shill about the fact that Hamas deliberately disobeys the laws of warfare to make it impossible for Israel to avoid massive numbers of civilian deaths, that same guy you're debating is actively planning for the next “pro-Palestinian” protest he's going to, during which time he will participate in chants such as “Please, God, have Hamas kill every single Jew on the face of the Earth!” (Sanitized form: “Ceasefire Now!”); “The Jews can't be indigenous to Israel because only human beings can be indigenous to places!” (Sanitized form: “Palestine is Arab”; in English rendered as “Palestine will be free”); and “You murderous kike!” (Sanitized form: “You murderous kike!”).

I'm talking about the fact that you can tell the international community that you imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip because (meaning, after) a violent terrorist organization whose charter says “hey let's go kill some Jews!” took over the place and the response to that will be to celebrate when that same terrorist organization comes over the fence and murders you and your entire family, doing all the legwork for said community.

I'm talking about the fact that there is literally no point in debating these people because they want to fucking murder you, your entire family, me, my entire family, and every single other member of the racial and ethnic group they call Jews. You are not going to disabuse them of that notion because it's not an incorrect belief. There are no number of facts that will change their minds on the issue of Jewish death. You cannot tell an antisemite the value Jews give his country to make him less antisemitic. You cannot tell an antisemite that his favorite conspiracy theories that retroactively justify his desire to kill Jews are all wrong to make him less antisemitic. You're not Daryl fucking Davis because even if you happen to be Black, you're still a fucking Jew! And guess what all these people believe? That as much as Black people may suck; as much as Asian people may suck; as much as Hispanic people Indian people Mexican people White people Xenomorphic people and Declined to Participate people may suck; at least they're not Jewish because somehow those murderous kikes are the ones who set them against us in the first place!

You are going to lose this battle because the pen is not mightier than the sword. The printing press is mightier than the sword. And for the fact that these bastards seem to think we control the entire world economy, it clearly isn't doing much for us when the printing presses constantly talk about how disgusting those murderous kikes Israelis are.

Your speech will never outweigh their violence. Your statements of fact, your call for peace, your deep grief for the circumstances that led you here in the first place, kicking and screaming into a war not a single one of us murderous kikes chose, will be silenced by a single well placed blow to your head.

Stop debating these Nazi fucks and start paying attention to what is happening to Jews in this country. Stop believing that people who want you to die also somehow mysteriously believe in “common humanity” (despite the fact that they quite literally view you as an overgrown cockroach) and buy a goddamn gun (or find a self defense course that lets you bring a knife to a gunfight, because I assure you that it will be a gunfight). Better than all of these things, prepare to get the fuck out.

2,000 years of exile have shown definitively and absolutely that once this far down the rabbit hole, societies don't “come back.” The “Golden Age” you enjoyed before October 7th isn't just dead; it never actually existed! We are currently in the final chapter of the history of the Jews in the United States of America. You know damn well how the history books ends. Get ready to go and pray that you don't have to.

If you're anything like me, then you like this place quite a bit. But all good things come to an end. If your ancestors didn't survive the Holocaust, it's because they didn't know how to read the writing on the wall. That means it's time for you to learn.